Sunday, January 30, 2011

And Then She Was Five...

Isn't she the cutest?  
Our very good friend's little girl turned five in December.
We laughed, we sang, we ate cake & ice cream....we CELEBRATED!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Week of No Color

My good friend and photographer Erika Ray recently challenged us to A Week of No Color.I always love a good black & white photo, so it wasn't difficult to persuade me to play along.  After reading this, I was even more excited and eager to join.  There's something to be said for black & white photography and the feeling it evokes.  In my opinion, not every photo works well in black & white or sepia tones.  Some photographs simply scream for color.  In contrast, I like the way black & white can turn down the volume and quietly convey the mood.  Yesterday marked the end of our Week of No Color and I'm feeling a little sad about that. It was a fabulous week that left me feeling even more passionate about black & white.  I'm glad so many photographers joined in the fun!  Thank you Erika!      

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tomorrow It Begins....

A Week of No Color

The timelessness of black & white...
The feelings is evokes...
How it changes your perpsective...
Details emerge....
Memories come to mind....
You feel it.

Jan 24 - 28 A Week of No Color

Monday, January 3, 2011

And those that stayed in....

Thanks to Chris, we had a cozy home to 
warm up in when we got too cold from sledding. 
Scones, chocolate cake, hot chocolate, best coffee ever....
She has the most generous heart and 
the kind of house you never really want to leave.
Below, our good friend's little boy.
Thanks again Chris!

Moments to be savored....

Home for the holidays.
We're spread across the country these days.
And it seems, with each year, it becomes harder to connect 
with each other's schedules and growing families.
Sometimes I worry that our children won't remember one another.
And then somehow, in the moments in between, my fears are laid to rest.
This kids are THRILLED to see one another.
They quickly fall back into laughing and playing with one another.
The adults too, as if no time has passed between us...
As if we just saw each other last Tuesday for sushi.  
We pick right up where we left off.
This visit was no exception.
It was an afternoon of sledding and laughter and joy...
of moments to be savored.

Happy New Year to all of you!!