Sunday, April 3, 2011

{chicago: quietly & intently}

"I enjoy looking quietly and intently at living human beings going about their work and duties and occupations and activities as though they were spread before us for our pleasure and interest.  A huge opera.  A huge arena." ~ Dorothea Lange

I recently returned from a short visit to Chicago with my husband and kids.  This year for spring break we visited family in Illinois and took a small side trip into Chicago via the Union Pacific West Line Train.  I love falling into a city...discovering it....quiet moments found in the midst of the hustle and bustle.  I love watching people walk by....wonder what their story is...wonder what they're thinking.  I love finding a part of a city that's not mentioned in the guide books.   A huge opera.  A huge arena.  Indeed.  


  1. these just blow me away. you have an amazing eye, laura.

  2. seriously.
    you really capture the soul essence of what you're photographing...these shots are brilliant, and amazing.

  3. Looks like you got to combine all your loves - the city, the kids, the photos, and vacation. Yay for you! xoxo

  4. I want that "Watch Your Step" one blown up real big in my spare room . . . these are lovely, Laura

  5. I discovered one of your photos on Pinterest, which led me to Flickr and then to your website, and then to your blog. :) What a fun path to take to find this post. I love these images. My best friend lived in Chicago for 5 years and I visited her often. I loved it there. You did a wonderful job in capturing the realness of it.
    God Bless,
